Note that individual results will vary. No results are guaranteed with the help of my advice, guidance, resources, training or any products and services I recommend or provide. All the products and services I provide are for educational and information purposes only. While my member testimonials of success are verifiable, this does not mean you will get the same results. It's no different from the gym. Not everyone who joins the gym is guaranteed six pack abs, it takes commitment, dedication and determination to succeed in any field. There are those who will not earn any money at all with my advice, guidance, resources, training or any products and services I recommend or provide, because individual results will depend on your determination, hard work, ability to follow directions and many more factors.

Note that individual results will vary. No results are guaranteed with the help of my advice, guidance, resources, training or any products and services I recommend or provide. All the products and services I provide are for educational and information purposes only. While my member testimonials of success are verifiable, this does not mean you will get the same results. It's no different from the gym. Not everyone who joins the gym is guaranteed six pack abs, it takes commitment, dedication and determination to succeed in any field. There are those who will not earn any money at all with my advice, guidance, resources, training or any products and services I recommend or provide, because individual results will depend on your determination, hard work, ability to follow directions and many more factors.

*This is my full disclaimer. Please be sure to read it carefully so you know exactly where you stand: 

*This is my full disclaimer. Please be sure to read it carefully so you know exactly where you stand: 



We’re 100% in control of our own lives and how we choose to respond to everything that happens, right? 

And there are people in the world who are able to remain peaceful, happy and calm no matter what happens around them. So that must tell us two things.

1. You really can choose to be happy

2. Your external situations do not define your internal state

We are not a slave to what happens to us or around us. We do not need to operate in line with our default programs of anger, frustration, overwhelm, anxiety etc. 

When shit hits the fan, we can choose to laugh about it. When money’s getting very tight, we can choose to stop worrying about it, choose to let go, and start actually creating it instead. 

Stress, anxiety, worry and fear all come because of one thing… We’re not present. We’re not in the now. 

In this moment, what do we actually have to fear? Nothing right? Are you about to get attacked by a tiger right now? No. The fear, anxiety, worry and stress exists because we’re creating an image of the future in our minds. But that future doesn’t even exist. 

We are defined by what we focus on. We become what we focus on. Stress and anxiety are huge clues that we’re focusing on the wrong things, and the things we focus on, are exactly what we will attract into our lives. 

Where focus goes energy flows, so we’d better make sure we’re focusing on the right things.

We’re 100% in control of our own lives and how we choose to respond to everything that happens, right? 

And there are people in the world who are able to remain peaceful, happy and calm no matter what happens around them. So that must tell us two things.

1. You really can choose to be happy

2. Your external situations do not define your internal state

We are not a slave to what happens to us or around us. We do not need to operate in line with our default programs of anger, frustration, overwhelm, anxiety etc. 

When shit hits the fan, we can choose to laugh about it. When money’s getting very tight, we can choose to stop worrying about it, choose to let go, and start actually creating it instead. 

Stress, anxiety, worry and fear all come because of one thing… We’re not present. We’re not in the now. 

In this moment, what do we actually have to fear? Nothing right? Are you about to get attacked by a tiger right now? No. The fear, anxiety, worry and stress exists because we’re creating an image of the future in our minds. But that future doesn’t even exist. 

We are defined by what we focus on. We become what we focus on. Stress and anxiety are huge clues that we’re focusing on the wrong things, and the things we focus on, are exactly what we will attract into our lives. 

Where focus goes energy flows, so we’d better make sure we’re focusing on the right things.

Disclaimer: This page may contain affiliate links. This means that if you make a purchase via those links, I receive a small commission (At no extra cost to you) for recommending it to you.

Disclaimer: This page may contain affiliate links. This means that if you make a purchase via those links, I receive a small commission (At no extra cost to you) for recommending it to you.



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If you’ve found this useful and powerful, well there’s plenty more where that came from. Here are some other videos you might like:

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